Category Archives: Blog

The best (and worst) first-date story ever

We met the good, old-fashioned way. In a bar. It was a time when Tinder was inconceivable and computer dating not yet invented. I’m grateful our courtship was void of technology because at least no one could record our first date. It was an event ripe to become a sketch on Saturday Night Live. It was […]

Beauty, Power & Grace – An Ode to Aretha

Reflecting on the soundtrack to our lives, Aretha was an anchor playing in mine. To me, she was Our Lady of Soul. A break-up, declaring oneself, a liberating moment, all sealed with Aretha belting out R-E-S-P-E-C-T.  A song that has become a familiar worldwide chant of empowerment, ‘I Say A Little Prayer,’ ‘(You Make Me Feel […]

Shove This Up Your Cloud

It feels like I’m living through an ongoing technological revolution. While others yell “Viva la revolution” I’m thinking “Vive la résistance.” I have a unique relationship with technology – none. I change my Apple sign in daily. It’s not even ‘a’ thing anymore; it’s a ‘we’ thing. Anything electronic resists me so intensely there’s a […]

Bloom, Bust, Botany

With summer here I’m reminded of how useless a gardener I am. Except for a sprawling German ivy and some moss, weeds seem to be my most loyal patrons. I’m so lousy with plants that I was genuinely concerned about becoming a parent knowing I could kill a healthy houseplant in a week. Though I […]

In Praise of Plastic – Memoir on Condom Furniture

When weather forecasters predict a hot day, I’m painfully reminded of an unusual milestone growing up: being stuck to the furniture. In the sweltering summer months of the early 1960s, I would grab a cold pop and sit on the plastic-encased couch, forgetting that my flesh would adhere to the surface. Moments later I would stand up, screaming as […]

The F-Bomb is Ours

Warning: If the F-bomb offends you kindly discontinue reading this post. The f-bomb officially belongs to middle-aged women. Language morphs over time and meanings can alter. This word is not immune to those changes. I hear the f-bomb more often than not as an adjective, void of malice. We started to claim this word in […]

The Journey of Beauty

As we age, we can come to believe that the beauty we once had has faded. What we don’t recognize is that it has transcended energetically into something so much more. Women our age have wisdom, experience and compassion tenfold. There is no diminishing the power and strength that emanates from our maturity, history, and […]