Category Archives: Blog

It’s Cool To Be A Dinosaur

When the Raptors won the NBA championship it dawned on me that they did more than that – they rebranded middle-age for women. Like a championship game, menopause at times can feel impossible to beat.  The hot flashes along with depression can appear as heavy and overbearing as a power forward. Their journey as a […]

A Birthday Wish to Me

It was my birthday last week. I could say ‘damn time flies,’ but instead, I’m saying ‘bring it on.’ The wisdom and insights I have acquired at this juncture are priceless and empowering. The seasoned intuition, the decades of experiences, and the ability to exhale as I take in a vista that I have created […]

The Mini Terrorists

I’ve been kidnapped and held hostage. My perpetrator’s names? Hormones. They are erratic in their behaviour, and often I’m incarcerated in their madness. On a rare occasion, these mini terrorists appear to be sensible, which is when I plan my escape, but it never lasts. These ruthless monsters are infiltrating the door to my mind […]

You’re Not Wearing That Are You?

After over three decades of marriage, six words continue to bring tension into our dynamic. “You’re not wearing that are you?” It’s the sentence of doom. The earth cracks, I’m positioned on one side, my husband on the other. Resistance tightly engaged. Even after all these years, on occasion, I find myself uttering those words, […]

Shameless Privilege

It appears that William H. Macy’s character from ‘Shameless,’ Frank Gallagher, is in the shadow of the actions of his wife, Felicity Huffman and others including actress Lori Laughlin from “Full House” fame, arrested for bribes concerning university placements for their kids. Come on people; you can do better than that. You have the resources […]

Ah Men

I’m watching, what I believed was a tremendous opportunity, for the Catholic church to finally redeem itself. Taking ownership for the grave damage imposed on the lives of the victims that were sexually abused by its clergy, but I was sadly mistaken. For me, the equation is simple. Abuse is abuse is abuse. If anyone […]

Buzzing To The Magic Kingdom

With Valentine’s upon us, many will be given traditional gifts, like chocolates, roses, dinner even a small box from Tiffany’s. But Cupid’s checklist of seasonal goodies is expanding to reflect the times. Including in it, vibrators. The vibrator has come a long way. No longer perceived as a tool to till the garden or something […]


In the month recognized for candy hearts and all things that beat wildly in our chest, Susan Lucci, aka Erica Kane, from the Soap Opera ‘All My Children’ went public about her recent heart scare. Thank you, Susan. She spoke about not realizing her arteries were blocked, experiencing severe pressure in her chest and blowing […]

The Queen of Lists

A life without checklists is like slow dancing to Led Zeppelin’s ‘Stairway to Heaven.’ It starts predictable even romantic but then transitions into a melody with no possible dance steps to follow — an excellent metaphor for life. I’ve become the Queen of Lists. I never use to be. Birthed out of necessity; my allegiance […]