Category Archives: Blog

The Impossible is Possible

Now that we’re living through ‘Anything is Possible,’ can the ‘Impossible become the new Possible?’ These words have roots like never before as we live through this global pause. The current circumstances are beyond our imagination, yet here we are, living day to day, through a pandemic, protecting ourselves and each other. The Coronavirus is […]

Love in the Time of the Coronavirus

I’m not sure what is more dangerous. The Coronavirus or the herd mentality around fear.  We’re inundated on the hygiene practices of washing one’s hands. A daily routine at our house not reserved exclusively for flu season. With that, I’m witnessing two ends to the Coronavirus spectrum. On one end, people who are freaked out, […]

I’m Not Having What She’s Having

Gwyneth Paltrow sold out of a candle that smells like her vagina. One question, why? Not why did she sell out, but why her vagina? Did her armpits not make the grade? How did we arrive at a lifestyle accessory smelling like our lady bits? Every woman’s tulip will reflect the scent of her diet, […]

Movin’ On Up

Meghan and Harry are breaking tradition leaving the Royals and movin’ on up to Canada. Good for them. Adulting looks like this. As an observer of this British theatre, I understand they’re incensed with the press. I share in that. Their anger, stemming from being pursued, and mine from naive comments made about Canada by […]

Fa La La La This

‘Tis the season of merry production. Dashing through the house and pulling out the festive platters, boxes of tree decorations and garland, decorating inside and out. Picking up a tree, and paying triple due to a shortage, while putting together our gay apparel. Create a seasonal ‘to do’ list that winds up being a book […]

The Present

With the Christmas season upon us, the chatter of commercial consumption has commenced, focusing on acquisitions instead of reflections. I’m reminded of the complexion of Christmas’s past, celebrations as a child in the early sixties. Christmas Eve and Christmas morning spent at church, followed by a festive extravaganza either at our home or that of […]

Dinosaur Extinction = Change

Trumpasaurus and Dougalodon

The food chain is losing insects, animals and birds. I get that we’ve been the instigators in this, but I wonder why the Malayan Tigers are extinct while dinosaurs continue to roam the planet. Though the appearance of today’s dinosaurs is different from those found in archeological digs, they are just as predatory and dangerous. […]

A Mortgage Payment for a Haircut

I’m hearing that the ladies are finished laying out what feels like a mortgage payment to get their hair done. I’m prefacing this blogpost not to include those that have engaged in DIY perms, hair colours or other jackass activities that required a salon to bail them out. Nor am I referencing the salons offering […]